Beginnings are hard. 

Which is why it’s taken me years of procrastinating to actually start a newsletter. 

I’m really not a words kind of person, which seems obvious for a photographer. But I need to let people know my camera and I still exist and I’ve grown weary of social media and its ever changing algorithms. So a newsletter it is! 

Wish me luck on this new adventure. I hope you join me.

Expect more photographs than words, and words about photographs. The weather will feature regularly - I am British after all. But also as a natural light photographer it affects my images hugely. And I’d rather be looking out the window than at my computer screen. I’m easily distracted. 

I’d like to say I’ll publish something every two weeks, but we’ll see. No promises yet.

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I like photographing sunrises and sunsets so expect them to feature in this newsletter. They are never as good in camera as they are in real life.